Susan Marks

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Chia Pudding with Raspberry Purée!

This simple and super healthy chia pudding recipe is super chill and leaves plenty of opportunity for you to add any additional goodies as you see fit! There is a lot of nutrition packed into these little seeds! And the raspberries take it next level! Nutrition details below.

I love a great treat. And this Chia Seed Pudding makes for a perfect healthy one. It also makes a great breakfast! You can prep the night before and have this waiting for you for breaky the next morn. Give this a try and if you add additional ingredients ~ share below in the comments! I’d love to know what you come up with!

Chia Seed Pudding with Raspberry Purée
1 Serving

Raspberry Purée:

1 cup of raspberries (can use frozen)
1 tsp grass fed gelatin or 2 tsp arrowroot powder to help gel but this is optional. Great as is.
1 T water.

Warm berries, gelatin//arrowroot, and water in a small sauce pan over low heat. Once warmed and bubbling a bit, remove from heat and mash the berries with a fork. Put berries in a glass storage container, cover and chill in fridge.

Chia Pudding:

3 tablespoons organic chia seeds. I use this brand.
1/2 cup coconut/almond milk. Nutpods would also work great here! Try vanilla or cinnamon swirl.
splash of vanilla
pinch of cinnamon

:: Additional Options ::
maple syrup, cocoa powder, stevia.

Place all chia ingredients in a jar or glass dish, stir, cover, chill in fridge for at least 4 hours or overnight. Give it a good stir just before assembling!

To assemble simply as is:
Layer raspberry purée in the bottom of your glass or mason jar, followed by the chia pudding, top with fresh berries!.

Fancy version with additions:
Layer half of the raspberry purée in the bottom of your glass , followed by half the chia pudding, add some granola, coconut, pumpkin seeds, Cacao nibs, etc. Add the remaining chia pudding, ending with the remaining raspberry purée, sprinkle a little coconut or more granola on top and finish with some fresh berries!

Note: this is not sweet unless you add the maple syrup or stevia. I prefer the unsweet version but if you want more of a treat, add the maple syrup to the chia mix. Approx 2 Tbsp Maple Syrup. You can add more once the pudding is set as well.


A few cool facts about Chia Seeds: high antioxidant, fiber rich, omega 3, protein, helps skin + digestion, balances blood sugar, has calcium, potassium, magnesium.

Raspberries not only taste amazing, but they’re also low in sugar, high in fiber, have anti-aging properties, cancer fighters, balance blood sugar, and good for the brain and memory.

Great Chat. See you Soon!

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Raspberries are easily my favorite berry! What’s yours? Comment below!