
Dry Brushing


Dry Brushing

Dry Brushing has been around for a while but it’s something I’ve only occasionally done off and on over the years. Heading into the new year I knew it was time to take things up a notch with my health and add some consistent healthy practices into my day.

In addition to dry brushing, I have implemented some other protocols to encourage detoxing and cleansing with the goal to rebuild and strengthen my immune system. Dry brushing is a helpful way to increase blood flow and keep things moving and filtering out of the body. It is a very easy and inexpensive way to assist the body as it clears out any toxins. Dry brushing can help stimulate lymphs, which keeps blood flowing, and helps the body with this process. It is also great for exfoliating dead skin and helps keep your skin nice and smooth!

I’ll spare you and not film myself doing this - instead I’m linking a couple of videos and articles if you want to know more and see a demonstration. As with most things, there are several different variations on how to do this. I’ve landed on a process that works for me. I’d encourage you to do the same. Read up, watch a few videos and create your routine. My routine goes something like this: you start at your ankles and brush up the front and back of your legs overlapping brush strokes as you go. No need to rush. Use medium pressure as you go. Give your bootie cheeks a good brushing before moving on to your arms. Follow the same pattern with your arms. Start at your wrists and brush up, overlapping brush strokes. The idea being you want to encourage and stimulate blood flow through the lymphs. After brushing your legs and arms, you can brush up the sides of the body and gently use clockwise circular motion in the arm pits and the stomach. Brush up on the lower back and brush down on the upper back. Gently brush down the chest toward the heart.

It’s best to do this right before you step into the shower. You can easily rinse away all the dead skin cells you just exfoliated. Drink lots of water and do your dry brushing, as much as possible, every day .

Wellness Mama Dry Brushing

Step by Step Guide to Dry Skin Brushing

If you’ve had any lymphs removed or any that are compromised, definitely watch this video. It’s important to know how to redirect your brushing to encourage blood flow in the right direction.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed dietitian, medical doctor, or a fitness expert. The purpose of my blog is to share my own personal experiences with you regarding health and wellness and what I’ve learned over the years. If you are seeking professional advice on how you should pursue your personal health goals, please consult a professional.